Retrieving S3 Objects Using curl

Amazon S3 is a popular object storage service that allows you to store and retrieve data in the cloud. One way to interact with S3 is by using the AWS SDKs, but you can also use command line tools such as curl to retrieve objects. In this post, we will show you how to use curl to retrieve an object from an S3 bucket.

Retrieving an object from an S3 bucket using curl: To retrieve an object from an S3 bucket using curl, you need to make an HTTP GET request to the S3 object's URL.

The URL format for an S3 object is:


For example, if your bucket name is "my-bucket" and the object you want to retrieve is named "example.txt", the URL would be:

You can then use curl to make a GET request to this URL to retrieve the object's content.


Retrieving a private object: If the object you want to retrieve is private, you will need to add an Authorization header to your request containing your access key and a signature. You can use the aws-cli to generate a presigned url which allows you to use the url with curl and other tools for a certain period of time. Here's an example of how to use aws-cli to generate a presigned URL for an S3 object, and then use curl to retrieve the object using the presigned URL.

# Generate a presigned URL valid for 15 minutes 

URL=$(aws s3 presign s3://my-bucket/example.txt --expires-in 900) 

# Use curl to retrieve the object using the presigned URL curl 


Curl is a powerful command-line tool that can be used to interact with S3. With a few simple commands, you can retrieve objects from S3 buckets, whether they are public or private. You can also use the aws-cli to generate a presigned URL, which allows you to use curl or other tools to retrieve private objects.

Please make sure you have permission to access the object before trying to retrieve it. It's always a good idea to check the AWS documentation for the most recent and accurate information, as the aws CLI and SDKs are updated regularly.